Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 1 - Full Moon

Today went pretty much as I expected. I realize the odds of my feeling this excited about this detox "thing" every day for the next month is pretty slim, but I'm enjoying it while I have it. Unfortunately, my enthusiasm caused me to drink both my quarts of lemonade by noon. Then when I came back to check if I could juice some more, I realized for the rest of the day I was limited to water. Okay, that can be done, but I wasn't mentally prepared for it. I realize it would be rational for one to think that I should have gotten all my ducks in a row before today, but I've been reading sooo many things about all this stuff that when it came down to the wire, I wasn't clear what the actual rules were. I'm all set now, however, and from now on won't be in such a rush to finish my lemonade.

Luckily for me, the necessity to always be within an arm's length of a restroom didn't catch me by surprise. I've always tried to be a good water drinker since most of the population is perpetually under-hydrated. And, of course, one learns early on that if one is trying to rid one's body of something, there are only a few avenues by which to accomplish that. There's through one's breath, sweat, and the two "normal" routes of elimination. I know I can't breathe myself clean (that's just crazy-talk); I don't want to sweat myself clean (waaay too much effort); which leaves me the usual ways. I choose to attempt to drown myself throughout the day and flush out all the baddies.

I've tried to steer clear of the kitchen for as much of the day as possible (sweetie, I left the dishes for you) just to not tempt me too much. I made it through making lunch for three hungry kids only by sheer willpower and leaving the room so I didn't have to watch or hear them eat! Other than that, I just have to keep myself focused on something else so that I don't think about eating . . . or not eating, as the case may be.

Just before the kids went to bed, I drank my quart of sea salt water. That was an hour ago and still nothing. We'll see how the rest of the evening goes. Maybe tomorrow I need to add more salt.

Verdict? 10% complete, piece of cake!

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