Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 3 - Stuck in the Muck

Today was HARD. As in diamond hard.

Hubby had the day off, so luckily I could step away from the breakfast waffles without looking back. But then . . . oh, then . . . my daughter and I visited our local farmers' market because, well, we've never gone to this one before. I was just fine until I accepted an offered sample of chocolate banana bread and actually put it in my mouth before I realized what I was doing. I spit it out immediately to the utter horror of the saleslady and tried to explain it had nothing to do with the bread in question. The day just went downhill from there.

My daughter had a little birthday get-together which involved making and frosting chocolate cupcakes, serving veggie/chicken burgers with chips and carrots, making pastena (a family pasta recipe that is super easy and super yummy), and making spaghetti with a glorious garlic meat sauce. This all while I'm trying to stay out of the kitchen since my willpower is scraping the bottom of the mixing bowl (so to speak) and my food cravings - especially yummy, warm, gooey food - are off the charts.

My oh-so-helpful husband keeps offering me more water (ain't he wonderful?!), but then turns around and ruins my sons dinner which requires me to step in the fix more food. I called my mother twice to talk me down from the ledge of ending this crazy experiment right now, but I'm not sure how helpful she was.

She was useful in pointing out that my recent obsession with Food and Health was not serving me well right at this moment and that maybe I should spend the day away from food, physically and mentally, by knitting or reading or something else. She was right, of course. I'm reading two books with a food theme, I have a number of camping cookbooks for next week's adventure, and I have oodles of regular cookbooks I've been perusing to get reacquainted with cooking good meals from scratch. Being on this health kick was one of the main reasons I wanted to detox. Today, however, that wasn't enough. I wanted to just fast forward to the end of all this when I would be able to eat healthy food again. This self-deprivation sucks.

My problem (well, one of my problems) is that I know I could, technically, stop any time. No one is holding a gun to my head to force me to only drink lemonade. I think part of the problem is that I haven't been able to get the hang of this yet.

Last night, since I was so late finishing my lemonade, my tummy wasn't fully empty when I did the salt water flush. So even though I raised the amount of salt, it had a hard time getting past a stomach full of lemonade. Two hours later, after feeling sick the entire time, I eventually got some results, but nothing like I was expecting. And then I immediately vomited all the salt water left in my stomach.

Okay, another lesson of what not to do. So today I made sure I finished all my lemonade by 6 pm. I'm finishing tonight off with a laxative tea (as directed) and I'm going to try a salt water flush in the morning to guarantee an empty stomach. I'll just have to get up early so that I'm done with everything before the kids get up.

That's the plan. Either that, or I eat a couple dozen chocolate easter bunnies.

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